There are major spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home ahead, although if you've managed to avoid the main surprises by this point, we'd be very impressed. Either way, read on at your own risk!
Out of all the returning stars in Spider-Man: No Way Home, Andrew Garfield was arguably the biggest scene stealer. Garfield had the misfortune of starring in the least well-received Spider-Man movies to date (The Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2), and the disappointing box office takings of the sequel resulted in the cancellation of not just The Amazing Spider-Man 3, but spin-off movies based on The Sinister Six as well as and Silver & Black.
However, after Spider-Man: No Way Home, many feel that the character finally had some redemption and after getting #MakeTASM3 trending on Christmas Day, fans are looking to get Sony's attention by getting it trending once again, this time on January 8th 2022.
If you're one of those clamouring for a third entry in Andrew Garfield's solo series, this could be your best chance of making your voice heard!
image source: AuntMayTheSaga
In related news, Instagram user rahalarts has created the following fanart, speculating what a potential poster for The Amazing Spider-Man 3 could look like!
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